About Me

I have voted in every Presidental election since I have been old enough to vote. I have voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates. I am getting more interested in the doings of the government as I am getting older. My typology test result scored me as a Conservative Democrat. I am taking this class because it is required however I want to get as much out of the class as possible since I have to be here. I did okay on the civis and current event quizzes. I also learned a few things that I either did not know or remembered after finishing the quizzes.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Involuntary Manslaughter? Or More?

Enough is enough. When will we get serious about the safety of the coal miners lives? How many more people will have to die before we actually enforce the policies and get the violations properly taken care of before allowing the miners to work? I agree that Don Blankenship should be charged with 25 counts of involuntary manslaughter. Perhaps this will force other mining owners to do the right thing. Coal miner owners should also have a million dollar company paid life insurance policy payable to the surviving families in case of an accident causing the life of the employee while working. No, money will not bring the loves one back but it can relieve much of the financial burden off the families. The owners should ask themselves two questions before sending people down to the mines. Would I work in this mine? Would I allow my family members to work in this mine?

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