About Me

I have voted in every Presidental election since I have been old enough to vote. I have voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates. I am getting more interested in the doings of the government as I am getting older. My typology test result scored me as a Conservative Democrat. I am taking this class because it is required however I want to get as much out of the class as possible since I have to be here. I did okay on the civis and current event quizzes. I also learned a few things that I either did not know or remembered after finishing the quizzes.

Friday, April 9, 2010

HealthCare Reform Phase II

What if every person working in America paid taxes that would help offset the cost of a national health care program that would in turn provide health insurance to each and every one of us here? A portion of the taxes would help to pay the doctor’s fees.
Every first year doctor would earn the same amount of money. Specialist would be paid more per year depending on their field of expertise. At the end of that year a review board consisting of well qualified retired doctors would review each doctor’s work for that year and would reward him/her with a bonus check for their year of work. This bonus check would be likened to a commission check for doctors. There would also be a built in raise for each year of service rendered by each doctor.
There would be a system set in place to weed out the ‘would be’ abusers of the system and the Mental Health and Mental Retardation (MHMR) cases. Various styles of counseling and therapies would be available to assist those in need of these services.
Identification cards would have the medical history of the card holder embedded in the bar code which would be available nation wide at any clinic, hospital, Pharmaceutical Product Development (PPD) study, and/or doctor’s office.
There would be nursing homes, senior centers with activities to help keep the senior mentally and physically challenged. All these services would be included in the nation wide healthcare package.
There would be a clause built in for those citizens who are not putting forth the effort to maintain a healthier life style, after been given an adequate amount of time adapt, they would be fined to pay higher taxes.
National healthcare should be available without any co-pay and offering only the best service for each American citizen. Since we are the best country in the world, we should take care of our own so we can better make impression on the rest of the world.

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