About Me

I have voted in every Presidental election since I have been old enough to vote. I have voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates. I am getting more interested in the doings of the government as I am getting older. My typology test result scored me as a Conservative Democrat. I am taking this class because it is required however I want to get as much out of the class as possible since I have to be here. I did okay on the civis and current event quizzes. I also learned a few things that I either did not know or remembered after finishing the quizzes.

Friday, February 26, 2010

If Not Now, When?

This article is a well written one and directed mainly toward our Republican lawmakers in the hope of ending this discrimination and injustice of “don’t ask, don’t tell.” Many of us are fearful of what we don’t understand or of what we might learn if we open up our hearts and minds. No soldier in his right mind would be offended if a homosexual in the military would save his life from the enemy. I’m sure that when the plane crashed into the IRS building on February 18 that those trapped inside the building would turn down help from an openly gay man and say to him, “no thanks, we will wait for a heterosexual to come recue us.”
The leader of the House Republicans, Representative John Boehner indicated that now is not the right time to change the policy with two wars under way. So the question for you Representative John Boehner is when is the time right to change the “don’t ask , don’t tell” policy? Since 1993 thousands of men and women have been discharged from the United States armed forces under this law.
Many law makers may refuse to open themselves up to see this law as discriminating. The military could take the lead and open the door for the United States to legalize same sex marriages in the future. According to the Equality in the Military, the polls show that Americans broadly support repealing the law. Perhaps we should write to our congressional representative to let him/her know how we feel about the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law.
President Obama is keeping his word on trying to get Congress to repeal this “don’t ask, don’t tell” law. Why are we fighting two wars abroad and many wars domestically?

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