About Me

I have voted in every Presidental election since I have been old enough to vote. I have voted for both Republican and Democratic candidates. I am getting more interested in the doings of the government as I am getting older. My typology test result scored me as a Conservative Democrat. I am taking this class because it is required however I want to get as much out of the class as possible since I have to be here. I did okay on the civis and current event quizzes. I also learned a few things that I either did not know or remembered after finishing the quizzes.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Asleep on the Phone

If you have a cell phone, then it will benefit you to read this article to see how and what your government is trying to do with your cell phone information.
Did you know that your every move can be monitored in real time while you are using your cell phone? Now the government wants free access to this information from the carries while civil liberty groups say that this information should only be handed over through a search warrant. Cell phone Privacy
Turning your cell phone off may not be enough. In the movie Eagle Eye the statement is made that “the only way that you cannot be tracked by your cell phone is to take the battery out of it.”
Even now there are some phone services where you can track members of your own families who are on you phone plan. Many crimes have been solved because of the tracking ability of phones by the use of cell towers but only after the proper authorities obtained a search warrant.
Giving the government free access to our phone information will only bring us closer to Big Brother by taking away our right to privacy.

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